This time next week, Good Hiding will be released on Bandcamp, and in the mail for those who have kindly purchased the postcard set/digi download.
Although I self-released a couple of improv albums in spring, Good Hiding could be viewed as my first album proper since Grave Era (Cruel Nature, Feb 2024) - which had a small but surprisingly decent reception, not least from highly respected music writers, Substack dwellers and all round good guys
and - the latter coining the phrase “Smartphone Concrete” in relation to how I produce my stuff (I use my phone as mic and mixing desk).If you’re at all interested, Grave Era is a decent place to start in terms of hearing what I do and, somewhat, the kind of vibe you can expect from the next record. Or, you could dive into music’s most premature “best of” - encapsulating the genre-fluid output since my self-released debut in October last year.
That all said, I don’t like to look back too much. The compilation was put together for my own sake and purposes really - in order to make a bit of sense of what I’d done and what it means. I struggle to remember what I have released, titles, lyrics, field recordings etc. I genuinely feel entirely detached from the person who made some of it, so I actively avoid listening to my own music as I get a bit creeped out. [‘To The Dead, We Failed’ was made from start to release across one day…]
And so, to Good Hiding. If I may say, I am particularly proud of this one. It’s long, fairly dark and probably quite a difficult listen in part. I never purposely try to alienate people from my tunes, but a strong bond can be developed remotely with listeners who seem to fully engage in what I could only imagine I would be satisfied with or interested in.
The album is currently in pre-order mode, so there are only a couple of tunes available to listen to [writers/DJs etc: hit me up for a private Soundcloud link to the full record] - but I’d be grateful if you gave it a go. I’m open to feedback and questions of all kinds.
Thanks for reading and listening to the record if you find time. This will be my last release for the foreseeable future - I hope it finds you well…
PH x